Pairing traditional design with new technologies; the Sundial shows off the brilliance of metal as a material.
The project was an investigation into the characteristics of different metals and the reaction known as galvanic corrosion between an anodic and cathodic metal when in contact with each other. These two metals were then used to create an outdoor product design (sundial). 

The sundial design was created with a wide user market, due to the nature of the product as its purpose is to be a garden ornament. 

The purpose was to take the knowledge learnt from the unit lectures and apply that knowledge to solve the corrosion between the two given metals when in contact with each other and research the best methods of metal coating/or prevention that is best for the given metals when used in conjunction with each other, which prevents this corrosion reaction when used for a product design. 

I took on the brief given by learning more about the given metals (aluminium and stainless steel), through research into the reactions between the two metals when in direct contact. From these findings, research into the best metal coatings and other ways to keep the two metals from direct contact to prevent corrosion, then determining the best method. This was proposed for what I would use, but couldn’t be actively done due to workshop limitations. The sundial design was done primarily on Illustrator for the flat lay template, then cut out using a water jet cutter and hand assembled, as the design was carefully thought out to avoid the use of extra fixings, which was made in consideration to the end of life (EOL) sustainability of the design. 

The project taught me a lot about metal corrosion, problem solving and improved my physical skills, using the water-jet cutter for the first time and how to work with metal in a design.
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