Floating bar shelf, showcasing the beautiful brushed brass material, highlighting the bottles in which it holds.

Brass hanging shelf in Louis Bar Canberra
The project was to create a high-end floating bar shelf out of brass. This shelf was to be a feature piece above a bar, so required a very clean design to showcase.
The brass shelf design was made for the Louis Bar in Canberra. This was made for the customers of the establishment, as it completes the high-end look of the bar. Our client was Foregroup, a construction company which hired us to create the shelf.
The purpose of the hanging shelf was to create a design which closely followed the architectural plans and general idea and features that the client wanted included. Some of these features included an internal LED lighting slot recessed into the brass frame, a clean and sturdy ‘floating’ shelf look and brushed, sleek framework to suit the bar style.
I tackled the brief by investigating the mounting points in the ceiling where the shelf was to secure to and hang down from. I investigated the architectural drawings provided for any crucial details and dimensions needed. I then sat down with another designer to discuss my idea and run it past them for an opinion, which was roughly sketched out with rough overall dimensions. This was then created on CAD software (Solid Edge) and refined to ensure the electrician could install the internal lighting system in the frame. After refining the model and reviewing with the client, the frame was sent into production and I worked closely with the welder in charge of putting the shelf together, to ensure a good result.
The project had an impact on the overall look of the bar it was created for, looking very high-end and streamline. Personally, this project was a good challenge for myself, as it allowed me to work with new machines and features in the design, as well as working with mostly brass design, which taught me a lot about the material and how best to work with it. I was also satisfied with the result, as the project was interesting for myself to work on and challenge myself with.

Review draft for the brass shelf design